Love Story

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Zoo Meltdown!!

Ok.. so I tried to be a good mommy today and took the girls to the zoo. Well, to say the least.. it was a disaster!! While we were waiting for the others to come, Abby, Lauren and I had a great time watching the train and playing with the Big water ball at the front. But as soon as the others came, everything crumbled to the ground. Abby had an emotional breakdown. Finally, after about 1/2 hour of her crying/tantrum, I couldn't take it anymore and we went home. Does anyone have any advice on what to do when a 3 year old has a meltdown in public? I really didn't want to have to leave the zoo, Lauren was being so good, but I was at my wits end!! Any advice??? Anyways, I did get some cute pictures at the beginning and here is a group picture before the meltdown!! :)


The Babinskys said...

Hey lady. I was so glad you came. I was really sad you had to leave. Raiyah was so excited to see Abby. she really does yell it over and over every day. You know I haven't had a three year old yet but I think you did the best thing you could do. Just making her realize she couldn't do that by making her leave. Hopefully you can remind her of that next time and she will be better. But what do I know. Lauren was cute as ever. Maybe i'm biased since her and Raiyah are twins. :) Love ya

Jaclyn said...

tiffany gave me a good idea. put pepper in their mouth. works great. we don't even get to that point anymore. she just gets threatened and doesn't want it.

aShLie JaNe said...

:) You poor thing! At least you got a picture! I think you did the right thing, and remind her before you go in next time! Mykell does that sometimes! It is FUN!! LOL